Academic Publications & Presentations

Dr. Miriam has studied the science of friendship for over a decade, contributing to many academic publications and conferences.

Journal Articles ————————————-

Khullar, T.H., Kirmayer, M.H., & Dirks, M.A. (May, 2021). Relationship Dissolution in the Friendships of Emerging Adults: How, When, and Why? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Kirmayer, M.H., Khullar, T.H., & Dirks, M.A. (March, 2021). Initial development of a situation-based measure of emerging adults’ social competence in their same-gender friendships. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Williams, S.M., Kirmayer, M., Simon, T., & Talwar, V. (June 2013). Children’s antisocial and prosocial lies to familiar and unfamiliar adults. Journal of Infant and Child Development.

PUBLISHED THESIS ————————————-

Kirmayer, M. (2019). Social competence in the context of friendship during emerging adulthood: Conceptualization, measurement, and links with social adjustment [Doctoral dissertation]. McGill University.

book chapters ————————————-

Dirks, M. A. & Kirmayer, M. H. (2017). Depression in childhood: Social factors. In A.E. Wenzel (Ed), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. doi: 10.4135/9781483365817.n410

Dirks, M.A., Kirmayer, M.H., & Morningstar, M. (2016). Social competence. In R.J.R. Levesque Ed.) Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer International Publishing: doi: 10.1007/978-3319-32132-5_27-2

Popliger, M., Yachison, S., Kirmayer, M., & Talwar, V. (2012). The relationship between children’s lie-telling behaviors and cognitive development. In W. Sittiprapaporn (Ed.), Cognitive Development. Vienna, Austria: Intech Open Access Publisher. pp. 16.


Santucci, K., Kirmayer, M., Khullar, T., & Dirks, M.A. (2023, April). “It’s not my fault!”: Situation type and gender predict young adults’ reported use of apologizing behavior. Poster presented to the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, California.

Khullar, T., Kirmayer, M., & Dirks, M. (2018, April). “I’d stop telling her about my relationships”: In what situations do emerging adults report ending or altering their friendships? Poster presented to the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kirmayer, M. & Dirks, M.A. (2017, April). Emerging adults’ apologizing behavior in challenging friendship situations: Associations with friendship quality and goals. Paper presented (as part of symposium “Factors Associated with Relationship-Promoting Cognitions, Coping Strategies, and Behaviors in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood”) to the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Kirmayer, M. & Dirks, M.A. (2017, April). Emerging adults’ effectiveness ratings of interpersonal behaviors in challenging friendship situations. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Morningstar, M., Kirmayer, M.H., & Dirks, M.A. (2017, April). Associations between self- and other-reported friendship quality and vocal expression recognition during emerging adulthood. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Kirmayer, M. & Dirks, M. (2016, March). Adolescents’ behavioural responses and goals in friendship transgression situations. Paper presented (as part of symposium “New Insights into Social Cognition in Response to Stressful Peer Experiences”) to the Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, Maryland.

Kirmayer, M. & Dirks, M. (2015, April). But it’s my birthday! Friendship transgressions in emerging adulthood. Invited talk given(as part of symposium “Transgressing rules and hurting others: A developmental perspective from childhood to emerging adulthood”) to the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, Quebec.

Kirmayer, M., Dossett, K., & Dirks, M. (2015, March). Friendships in emerging adulthood: The relevant and challenging interpersonal situations. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Kirmayer, M., Dossett, K., & Dirks, M. (2015, February). Friendships in emerging adulthood: The relevant and challenging interpersonal situations. Poster presented at the 11th annual Centre for Research in Human Development Conference, Montreal, Quebec.

Kirmayer, M. & Dirks, M.A. (2012, November). A situation-specific approach to interpersonal effectiveness: Links to victimization, friendship, and psychopathology. Roundtable with Dr. Constance Hammen held at the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, Quebec.

Kirmayer, M., Arruda, C., & Talwar, V. (2012, June). Developmental differences in children’s identifications and moral evaluations of truth and lie-telling scenarios. Poster presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Toronto, Canada.

Cuttini, L., Dirks, M.A, & Kirmayer, M. (2012, March). Children’s management of peer victimization scenarios: Links to anxiety and depression. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada.

Dirks, M.A., Cuttini, L. & Kirmayer, M. (2012, March). Further development of a multiple-choice measure of youth responses to peer provocation: Test-retest reliability and links to peer victimization. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada.

Cuttini, L., Dirks, M.A, & Kirmayer, M. (2012, February). Children’s management of peer victimization scenarios: Links to anxiety and depression. Poster presented at the 8th annual Centre for Research in Human Development Conference, Montreal, Quebec.

Williams, S.M., Kirmayer, M., Simon, T., & Talwar, V. (2011, March). A family of lies: Children’s anti-social and pro-social lie-telling to both parents and unfamiliar adults.Paper presented (as part of symposium “To tell the truth: Examining factors that influence children’s lies and promote their truth-telling”) at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec.

Kirmayer, M., Simon, T., Williams, S.M., & Talwar, V. (2011, March). The Influence of parenting style on children’s anti-social lie-telling. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec.

Kirmayer, M., Williams, S., & Talwar, V. (2011, February). Children’s deceptive behaviours towards familiar and unfamiliar adults. Poster presented at the 7th annual Centre for Research in Human Development Conference, Montreal, Quebec. 

Kirmayer, M., Hubbard, K., & Williams, S. (2010, August). Mom may know best but does she always know the truth? Children’s deceptive behaviors within a modified temptation resistance paradigm. Poster presented at the 118th annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, California.

Kirmayer, M., Hubbard, K., Williams, S., & Talwar, V. (2010, June). Copycat: Parental attitudes towards lie-telling and children’s behaviors within a temptation resistance paradigm. Poster presented at the 71st annual Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

speaking of friendship…

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